The Truth About WordPress Security

If you work with a website you’re bound to have heard of WordPress and looking online can seriously give you a bad impression. From first glance especially through news articles, WordPress can seem an unlikely candidate for your company to want to use their software and build a website. Search a bit deeper and look behind the headlines, you will unearth the truth.

Recent News; ’50,000 sites hacked through WordPress plug-in vulnerability’ – PCWorld. Looks pretty bad right? The thing is WordPress is a secure programme to use when developing a website, this is if you keep up to date with new versions. Read further through the article and you then will understand why these websites have been hacked, not because WordPress has poor security, but due to people not updating their systems to the newer version of the plug-in, once these have been offered to customers older versions security systems are not maintained, resulting in them being hacked. As with any computer programme, new updates are constantly coming through to improve the system in all different areas, some of these being security.

Google Voice | Soap Media

‘Google Loves WordPress’ – Matt Cutts (Head of Google’s Web Spam Team)

50,000 sites sounds like a lot but when compared to the 50 million websites that use WordPress it becomes a very minute figure. WordPress is no longer ‘just a blogging system’, with country leaders such as Barack Obama and No10 Downing Street using WordPress to host their websites, security is remarkably high. Also many large corporations such as; eBay, Samsung, Yahoo, PlayStation, Sony and Harvey Nichols present their products using WordPress, so where can you go wrong?

What do all companies need when working online? The approval of Google. Not only does Google love WordPress but the head of Google’s web spam team said as much himself and they sure do love security.

In comparison to CMS, WordPress powers 10x more sites than all forms of CMS’s combined! If you were a hacker would you spend time learning to hack the less commonly used sites or straight for the mainly used? WordPress is not less secure but is more likely to be hacked. Another key reason for WordPress sites being hacked is due to poor password creation for example something like yahoo123, really isn’t going to protect yahoo’s site.

Overall as long as you keep your WordPress account updated and the password protection high, WordPress is a brilliant option to run your website on.

Written by
Adam Davis
Adam Davis

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