Organic SEO Agency

SEO is about more than simply increasing visibility. Our user-journey driven focus ensures we harness its power to improve everything from rankings to conversions, which is why we deliver the best SEO Manchester has to offer. 67.6% of all clicks come from the first five organic results - can you afford to be positioned anywhere else?
SEO Manchester

Integrated SEO Agency


Search engines are still a customer’s primary source of discovery; driving 300% more traffic to websites than social media. Content, technical SEO and authority optimisation need to be combined for a reliable SEO strategy.
Whilst data and analysis is integral to how we deliver our SEO services, it’s only part of the picture. We utilise it alongside powerful, meaningful content that nurtures your customers to conversion. Getting to the first page of Google’s SERPs is what brands dream of, but we go further to ensure that your placement is a pivotal point on their path-to-market journey.
Organic SEO Services


Good SEO should provide your business with the opportunity to improve your returns via measurable growth – it isn’t just about bettering your position on the rankings. It’s vital in ensuring that your audience discovers then falls in love with your product or service.
We’re not just an SEO agency; our specialisation as a business lies in the complete user journey and a holistic approach to every touchpoint that may take. Our approach to SEO services consistently considers that journey, working on four key tenets to transform increased visibility to increased conversions.

Grow Impressions

The first stage is increasing the amount of SERPS you appear on. We’ll carry out the basic housekeeping and optimisation to get you ranking on all the relevant keywords.

Grow Rankings

We’ll then improve the position you rank at, increasing the prominence your products and services have in the eye line of your audience.

Grow Clicks

We’ll get you featured on the first page, in turn increasing the number of times your audience clicks on your results rather than merely scanning by.

Grow Conversions

Leading your audience to your page is one thing, ensuring they convert is another. We build SEO strategies that enable your customers to make the ultimate commitment to your business.

Technical SEO Audit

Our technical SEO audit gives you a beneath-the-surface look at your website and allows us to give you feedback on where you need to improve – and where we can help. We’ll pinpoint the exact weaknesses with your speed and technical framework and deliver an effective strategy to ensure your performance reaches the heights you deserve.
SEO Audit

Expert SEO Services


We use a battle-tested nine-step process to boost your website up the rankings. This enables you to take advantage of the 93% of traffic that comes from a search engine so you never miss a business opportunity.
We’ll support you to appease the ever-changing algorithms; Google alone makes on average between 500 and 600 updates every year, This will keep your website’s head above the water, keeping your position above your competitors with each algorithmic change.

Audit & Objectives

We take time and care to look through your existing SEO strategy. We’ll tell you what is working well, and what could do with some polishing.


Competitor Analysis

It doesn’t hurt to take a look at what everyone else is doing in your industry – and who is ranking for your desired keywords. Our SEO services use a variety of intelligence tools to delve into the strategy of your competitors to gain some insight into what they’re doing. This includes a full audit of their activity which will take into consideration keyword optimisations, rankings, SERPs and backlinks – and how you can eat into their audience share.


Identify Personas

Working alongside you, we pinpoint your perfect audience and create detailed customer journeys. These cater to the needs and requirements of your audience, helping them to convert and build lasting bonds with your business. 


Keyword Selection

Finding the right keywords to attract the right audience to your website requires research and patience. We look for terms that attract the right people with high user intent. Our approach as an SEO agency is to utilise semantics and perform an exhaustive analysis of all combinations that deliver the highest returns with the least competition.


SEO Strategy

Using our research, we then pull together all the essentials and draft up a strategy that has the success of your business and the needs of your audience laid out. We will guide you through the strategy and work with you to adapt if/when the need arises.


On-site Optimisation

On-site optimisation primes your site for search algorithms and users. We optimise content, titles and descriptions, URLs and internal links to send clear keyword signals to the search engine robots.



We make things easy to understand by producing meaningful data with a narrative that helps us collectively make better decisions on the strategy moving forward. Your SEO strategy will be monitored to ensure you’re on the move.


Conversion Rate Optimisation

Making the most of the traffic from your newly established rankings can give you 10x your previous results. We help you identify visitor pain points and tweak and test to maximise your visitor conversion rate.


Link Building

Well-timed, keyword-friendly, relevant links can provide incredible SEO results. We can expand on your SEO to provide content marketing that naturally attracts backlinks to boost your online presence. We’ll either utilize creative content from quality writers or guide your team to do it to build up a white hat friendly link building strategy.

SEO for Social Media & Digital PR


Via merging the right social media and digital PR activities, you can enjoy increased engagement from consumers. People like to have social proof for validation of their purchasing decisions, which provides a great opportunity when targeting over 50% of internet users following influencers.
We can guide you through the right steps to ensure your social media management directly influences your SEO. We’ll build your authority and drive traffic to your site through creative engagement, utilising both influencers and our affiliate marketing services.   When complemented by highly targeted digital PR strategies, you can find your digital marketing efforts spread to journalists, press outlets, and out into the wider online community – with it all guiding your audience back to your website. All to the benefit of your SEO campaign, as it’s an ideal form of white hat SEO that is driven by the right keywords to send you up Google’s SERPs.
Social Media SEO

SEO Strategy


50% of website visitors have an increased probability of clicking on a result if they see the brand multiple times on a search engine. We create turnkey SEO strategies that do more than just improve your presence, they get inside the psyche of your customers and make them ready to commit.
We offer a range of high quality, SEO-friendly content alongside integration within our digital marketing department for content promotion purposes. This works in harmony to deliver you the best possible ROI.   Our all-inclusive SEO services aim to keep you on top of those search engine results by going beyond merely plonking keywords all over your pages.

SEO for Voice Search

Voice search is not a fad. The event of Alexa and Siri point toward voice search being the future of SEO, with Google reporting 27% of the online global population currently uses voice search on mobile.

eCommerce SEO

eCommerce websites can have thousands of pages of products, all needing individual optimisation and unique descriptions. This can be quite a challenge, which is why we offer this expert service so that you can focus on growing your business.

Local SEO

Looking to target an audience in a specific area or where your business is located? Whether it’s Philadelphia or Preston SEO, our targeted approach with online marketing strategies is sure to highlight your position on the map, and on search engines. 30% of mobile searches are location-based, which is a significant percentage you can’t miss out on.

Snippet SEO

Securing a featured snippet is arguably the ultimate rankings nirvana, attaining ‘position zero’ and commanding instant authority as a SERP. We provide a comprehensive analysis of all the opportunities your business has to ensnare this coveted advantage.

Mobile SEO

Mobile audiences are becoming more and more important, and we know just what your website needs for mobile optimisation. Target this essential audience through our mobile SEO strategies.

International SEO

Are you trying to reach an international audience? We tailor your SEO efforts in different countries using international SEO elements like hreflang and ccTLDs.

SEO Agency

Harnessing the Right Tools

We’ve been at the forefront of SEO since we started as a Preston SEO agency in 2005, developing our approach to be truly global. During that time the tools at our disposal have increased rapidly.
Whether utilising the arsenal of Google tools such as Analytics, Search Console and Tag Manager, or world-beating external platforms such as SEMRush and AHRefs, we harness everything possible within our SEO armoury. We’ve also been a Google premier partner since we began, which offers us greater insight into how they operate.   The complexities of these mediums are often one of the reasons why businesses may not harness them, so we spend time breaking down the intricacies from the granular details to provide clear analysis in our reports.

PPC For Research

SEO Keyword Research
A PPC marketing campaign can be used to understand the traffic keywords can generate and, most importantly, which keywords convert into actual sales or leads before investing big in on-site SEO or building links. It’s fast, reliable, and guaranteed to get you instant results; website PPC visitors have a 50% higher probability than organic visitors of purchasing, with search ads increasing brand awareness by 80%.
Through us, you can find the best keywords for your company – which will determine if the keywords lists we gather will be profitable. Essentially, we’ll test individual keywords before you commit to their use, making for a risk-free and data-driven acquisition process.   We’ll optimise and fine-tune your ad campaigns to guarantee you’re getting the best positions at the best costs, ensuring higher conversion rates. We’ll also provide you with detailed reports about your strategy’s progress. It’s real-time adjustment with major benefits – react to competitors, tweak your campaigns, and enjoy improved ROI.   Approximately 64.6% of people will click on Google ads when searching for an item to purchase online, a vital statistic of people to target.

Grown Organically

Client Case Studies


The AA is the UK's most trusted brand. When it turned to us to launch a new mobile tyre fitting service, we dug deep with our research.

In a hotly contested industry, the AA needed to launch its new project to immediately challenge its main rivals. It wanted to take control of the market, so by understanding the tactics of its leading competitors we were able to help the company launch its service and be immediately effective. As the mobile tyre fitting sector caters for a wide range of customers, it was important for us to establish the different user personas which would be using the service. This market research helped us to determine the specific journeys users would be taking through the site, ensuring the sales funnel was clearly defined.

Soap Media’s bespoke eCommerce site is an impeccably designed platform which provides a strong user experience and a modern design

Dave Jones | IT Manager


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    Discuss SEO StrategyConsider your current organic strategy and overall SEO goals with us, whilst we briefly audit your site to pinpoint your golden opportunities.
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    Accelerate Your PerformanceDiscover the quick wins that we can implement to boost your traffic and rankings, and unveil ways to use competitor analysis to your advantage.
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    Unlock New InsightsGet your free technical SEO audit, and discuss strategies for link growth and authority optimisation.

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Why Use SEO?

SEO is great for the promotion of your website. It positions you in a better place organically on search engines, increasing trust alongside generating traffic. But it’s not all about search engines, as good SEO also seeks to improve the user experience of your website.

What Is SEO Strategy?

An SEO strategy is a holistic, fully-integrated approach that plans, outlines and implements steps that are designed to boost your keyword rankings on search engines. We take the time to fully understand your objectives and target personas, and then create an SEO strategy to best meet your needs.

How Do You Report Your SEO Work?

We regularly report on SEO work, and can do so weekly, monthly, quarterly, or according to a timescale that works for you. We focus on making reports as easy to understand as we can, including the meaningful data that drives the ongoing strategy of SEO campaigns, and a narrative that explains what we’ve been doing, what results you’ve seen as a consequence of our work, and what we’re going to do next to level up your organic campaigns even more.

What Is White Hat SEO?

White Hat SEO is a label that covers any practice that both improves your website’s ranking on a search engine and remains within the rules and policies for that particular search engine. White Hat SEO is focused on prioritising the user, utilising techniques such as high-quality content, fast page-loading times, informative meta tags and straightforward site navigation.

SEO Vs PPC: Which Is Better?

SEO and PPC tend to work best when they are integrated and aligned, as both complement the other. “Which is better” in isolation depends entirely on what you’re looking to achieve. SEO is more focused upon generating organic traffic over the mid-long term, and this traffic carries no attached cost-per-click and tends to have more staying power. Paid ads appear above the organic listings that SEO seeks to influence, and can usually begin to deliver results more quickly. Targeting for PPC can also be far more granular.

What Is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO seeks to improve the technical processes of your website to increase the performance of your pages on a search engine. A big part of technical SEO involves optimising your site for crawling and indexing, but the term is used to cover everything from sitemaps, internal linking, schema markup, HTTPS encryption, page-load speeds and more.

What Is Off-Page SEO?

Off-page SEO covers any activity that does not take place on your website but is designed to improve the performance of your pages on search engines. Traditionally, external backlinks to your site are the most common example of off-page SEO, but the term also refers to social media marketing, guest blogging, brand citations and more.

What Is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO involves the optimisation of both the content and the source code of an individual web page for users and search engines, to improve its performance on those search engines. The term is commonly used to cover the optimisation of title tags, content and URLs for keyword subjects, but also things like image ALT text.

What Is Organic SEO?

Organic SEO is the overall marketing strategy that is put in place to help your website to perform better when it ranks on search engines. It encompasses on-page SEO, technical SEO, off-page SEO and more. Organic SEO helps search engines to do their job of returning the most beneficial results to searchers, as it seeks to create a website that’s worthy of the top ranking.

What Is an SEO Agency?

An SEO agency is a company that utilises SEO experts to improve how well your website performs in attracting traffic, particularly with the view to achieving your digital goals. This is usually done across several services such as site audits, SEO strategy and backlink building.

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